Textbook: A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1 Merry E. Wies

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1
Merry E. Wies

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks; Clare Haru Crowston; Joe Perry; John P. McKay
Chapter 11 & 12
Compare and contrast the impact(s) of the Black Death and the Renaissance on Western civilization. Briefly introduce each period including timelines, locations, and ideals. Then, discuss comparisons in the following categories:
significant individuals (e.g., political or religious leaders, innovators, patrons, explorers),
characteristics of worldview (e.g., philosophy, art, humanism, religion),
civic practices (e.g., social institutions, hierarchies),
economics (e.g., changes, different economic systems, methods, impact), and
politics (e.g., forms of governance, power distributions, conflict)
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice prioritizing and using specific data to support your essay. When writing your essay, use examples to prove your point rather than simply listing the examples. Begin with a strong introduction.
Your essay must be a minimum of two pages in length. You must use two sources written by historians in history books or journals from the CSU Online Library in addition to the textbook and the study guide. All content must follow APA guidelines, including all sources used, which must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.

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