The objective of this project is to allow you to become more knowledgeable about

The objective of this project is to allow you to become more knowledgeable about

The objective of this project is to allow you to become more knowledgeable about the financial performance your selected firm.
Select a company of interest to you which will be defined as “your company” for this project. For your company, you will be required to understand and interpret the content of its annual report, its 10-K, including all the primary financial statements and footnotes, newspaper articles, and stock price reports.
Financial Analysis enables you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company in order to help identify your company’s specific challenges. At the end of the project, you are asked to assess your company’s historical results and to predict its future financial results.
This packet contains explanations of each component of your project. Please refer to the submission instructions section for details about formatting and deadlines.
To obtain your company’s year-end financial statements (annual report) go to the company’s website under their “Investors” section. The annual report should be between 30 and 100 pages. Ensure all financial statements as well as footnotes are included. You can also obtain year-end information via the 10-K filed to the SEC, you can go to, then “search for company filings”, then “company or fund name, ticker symbol . . . “, then type in the ticker for your company (such as APPL for Apple INC), then type in “10-K” in “filing type.” The following reports will also aid in your project; Proxy, Form 8-K, both also obtained via Make sure you obtain 10-K or annual report of your firm for the most recent fiscal year end!
Additionally, students may use or to find much of the information.

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