The purpose of the self reflecting is to think about your personal progress. Onl

The purpose of the self reflecting is to think about your personal progress. Onl

The purpose of the self reflecting is to think about your personal progress. Only you know what else you had going on these weeks and how much time and energy you could put into school work.
This is also where you will grade your assignment yourself so you must give yourself points 1-100 on how you did on the infographic assignment
It is important to be honest with yourself.
Write 2 paragraphs reflecting on this assignment.
1. Discuss how you think you did to your own personal standards (forget about grades). What could you have done differently? Was your preparation/completion of assignments successful to your personal standards?
2. What grade do you give yourself out of 100? Provide evidence for the reason why you gave yourself that grade. You may refer to the rubric provided in the “upgrading guidelines” to help.

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