“ The research essay should be seven to ten pages long, plus a Works Cited page.

“ The research essay should be seven to ten pages long, plus a Works Cited page.

“ The research essay should be seven to ten pages long, plus a Works Cited page. It should be an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of one or more works of poetry, fiction, or drama from the book ( A Portable Analogy: 5th edition) and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct. The essay should include research from at least five secondary sources, at least three of which should be obtained through the Bergen Community College library. Citations and the style and organization of the paper should follow MLA style guidelines. Make sure that your essay is virtually free of mechanical or grammatical errors before you submit it. https://bergen.libguides.com/WRT201 “ A main focus of this course is the Research Essay. Your Research Essay should focus on one or more works of poetry, fiction, or drama from the textbook. The Research Essay must be an argumentative essays in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using the text of the work(s) as evidence and backed by research. You may use one (or even both) of your 3-page essays as the basis of your Research Essay by adding research, primarily into what literary critics and scholars have had to say about the work(s) you have chosen. The Research Essay must meet three important criteria:
1) the essay must be argumentative, centered on the work(s) you have chosen;
2) the essay must be overwhelmingly original: that is, it mainly reflects your ideas, analysis, thoughts, feelings, or understanding of the literary work(s) being written about;
3) the essay must involve research to back up or inform your ideas, analysis, etc., properly cited; and should incorporate research from a minimum of five sources, three of which should be come from the BCC library’s databases or print materials.
I may accept projects outside the anthology if you discuss the project with me in advance for my approval. Do not write about material outside the textbook without approval.
The Research Essay is NOT an informative essay. The research essay MUST be about poetry, fiction, or drama, not a social issue or some other topic.”
this is what the professor sent to us. I can provide my previous 2 essays if that would be easier to do the research on those instead

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