This is a paper for a first year Freshman western Civ paper. It does not requir

This is a paper for a first year Freshman western Civ paper. It does not requir

This is a paper for a first year Freshman western Civ paper. It does not require footnotes but must quote the readings and identify the source within text of the paper. The books involved are Nicomachen Ethics by Airistotle. We read books 2 -10 Book eight describes friendship
The “Friendship”between Aeneas and Dido from the Aeneid – we read books 1, 4, 6, 10, and 12
The other relationship comes from St. Augustine Confessions. The “Friendship” between Augustine and Alypius. We read books 1 thru 9.
Following Aristotle’s conception of friendship analyze two pairs of “friends” presented in works read this semester. A few suggested pairs: Adam and Eve; Aeneas and Dido; Augustine and Alypius. You may find your own pair to discuss. Using what Aristotle says about friendship and the evidence of the texts you choose, find three points of comparison and contrast in these relationships.
Note: please do not devote a paragraph to defining friendship according to Aristotle-we have all read the same books.
D. Course Papers

• The course papers are finished compositions (proofread!) dealing with course reading and based upon prompts suggested by your team. The format is that of a logical thesis that is defended by arguments which are supported by the text alone. This type of composition is also known as an argumentative paper. You must understand that these are not “research papers” in the traditional sense of the word. No outside sources may be consulted, including books, articles or internet sources. The papers must be approximately 2000 words (+/- 10%). You will be asked to include an exact word count at the end of your paper.

Need word version
• The paper should be 2000 words, give or take 200 words. Put the word count at the end of the paper.
• The paper will be a textual analysis. Please do not conduct outside research. Be aware that some styles of “research”-such as cut & paste and quoting without attribution-are likely to show up as plagiarism.
• Please upload your paper to Canvas, where it will go through the “Turnitin
5. Following Aristotle’s conception of friendship analyze two pairs of “friends” presented in works read this semester. A few suggested pairs: Adam and Eve; Aeneas and Dido; Augustine and Alypius. You may find your own pair to discuss. Using what Aristotle says about friendship and the evidence of the texts you choose, find three points of comparison and contrast in these relationships.
Note: please do not devote a paragraph to defining friendship according to Aristotle-we have all read the same books.
Guidelines for a good paper
The paper should have a thesis, which means a nonobvious argument about the text. The rest of the paper must argue in favor of the thesis using evidence from the text. If a point is not relevant to the thesis, don’t make it!

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