This is a proposal for a paper that is replicating the question in “Like Me, Buy

This is a proposal for a paper that is replicating the question in “Like Me, Buy

This is a proposal for a paper that is replicating the question in “Like Me, Buy Me: The Effect of Soft Power on Exports” by Andrew Rose, using different data from new sources to get a better understanding of the question and bring new insights into the field of economics, 8 years later. I want to bring about as many improvements to this paper as I can, and I would like this proposal to help with and show that. The addition and details of new variables, new angles, and aspects of looking at this case will be very important to include. Feel free to reach out to me for questions or direction. All of my data regression and analysation will be done using R Studio (opensource). Footnotes are fine. Table of important variables with summary statistics is ideal.
Paper: “Like Me, Buy Me: The Effect of Soft Power on Exports.”
By Andrew K. Rose. NBER Working Paper No. 21537. September 2015. JEL No. F14,F59
Proper copy:
To be included in the research proposal:
CLEARLY OUTLINED: A research question, literature review, expected contribution, and methodology.
The literature review should provide a narrative of what is known about the research question/topic, ie. What do we know about the answer to this question? (and related questions? Not just similar papers on similar subjects, I want to know what is known about my topic, including research done before the Rose paper too); What previous work answers this question? (method); and What are the limitations of previous work? (what is the contribution of this question, why is the question important?).
Please clearly describe the data needed/what will be used in answering the question (see below and attached) and how I obtained it, as the paper does. Identify the empirical challenges (such as omitted variables and propose a plan to address them.) given these new datasets.
Please make academic references are properly cited = I need to be able to find the ALL of sources. They must be high-quality sources (eg. published in Economic journals).
* The lit review, expected contribution, and methodology are EQUALLY important. Though overall, the focus of the paper is on the economic impact of ‘soft power’ on a country’s exports as this is going to be an economics research paper.
DATA (sources will be the same if not as similar as possible to those used in the paper, see “The Data Set” in Rose’s paper. Please search for and include detailed descriptions of any new variables that may play a role that were not considered in the previous or any similar paper [their importance, why you are including them, etc. Really back up all arguments!]):
Direction of Trade:
World Factbook:
Rather than Rose’s use of the BBC/GlobeScan survey, I will be using GALLUP Analytics’ WorldPoll survey on the Approval of a Country’s Leadership, which will act as my “manifestation of soft power” (page 5) as Rose’s does in his paper. Please clearly define all variables I will be using given my data (in attached files). If there is not enough information/variables/data in the sets provided here or through the links above, or if there are different data files needed (for example: I can filter the GALLUP data and select the demographics: aggregate, age, gender, education, household income, national, urban/rural; I can also help find the other data files if they are not accessible on your end) please reach out to me.
A table outlining the descriptive statistics of important variables would be ideal (this is the ‘Chart/Graph’ on the order).

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