This project will give you an opportunity to investigate a topic that interests
This project will give you an opportunity to investigate a topic that interests you and is related to health care communication studies. In this 5-page (at minimum) research paper, you will investigate current trends on the intersection of health and intercultural communication. You will select and read at least 5 primary research articles from scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals on a topic of your own interest related to cross-cultural communication, culturally competent care, and transcultural care. Write a research paper, summarizing and tying together the article contents, while also providing your own analysis. Make sure to explain the nursing implications of what you have learned.
The parts of your APA-style paper will include:
Cover page
Introduction with clear purpose statement or PICO question.
Body of paper with synthesized literature review and analysis of research.
Nursing implications from research findings.
Conclusion summarizing paper with tie in to purpose statement or PICO question.
Reference list
In scientific writing, researchers interpret and draw conclusions based on the research literature from scientific articles. The advantage of this literature is that it is rather objective, unbiased, and in many cases, provides directions for practical applications. For this assignment you are asked to write a 5-page research paper based on the scientific literature. Specifically, you will synthesize research from the scientific literature, draw conclusions based on your research, and explain the nursing implications. Your paper should include a cover page, introduction, synthesis of the research, your analysis, nursing implications, conclusion, and reference page. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to explore an area of interest in health care communication studies in greater depth than time allows in our course.
Please DO NOT simply repeat the information in the abstract of the article. You will actually need to read these articles to complete the paper. Abstracts are the purely descriiptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes. In your paper, you are to be much more descriiptive and critical. Information from other sources can be used to
You will be graded on your ability to identify a scholarly articles and complete a well-rounded research paper, as well as your use of APA format (including a cover page, introduction and conclusion), spelling, and grammar. Remember that you have resources available to you through Clarkson, including the Writing Lab and the Library, that you may find helpful in completing this assignment.
I have selected 5 articles that meet the requirements that I will attach. I also have a paper that I would like you to work off. I haven’t wrote the body or anything but I have a PICOT question that is related to the articles.