This research proposal requires you to 1) identify your topic, 2) offer a prelim
This research proposal requires you to 1) identify your topic, 2) offer a preliminary thesis statement, and 3) create an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources for your paper.
The purpose of this proposal is to:
Demonstrate that you have located appropriate sources for your paper
Demonstrate that you have read those sources and thought aboutthem in the context of your essay topic
Help you make progress on your research essay
Give you an opportunity to practice skills like locating primary andsecondary sources
Provide you with feedback before you submit your research essayYour research essay that you submit later in the term should be in line with the project outlined in your research proposal, but it is normal and acceptable for a project shift somewhat after you get deeper into the research.CONTENT OF RESEARCH PROPOSALLocate, read, and assess your primary and secondary sources. Your proposal should be organized along the following subheadings, answering the associated questions/challenges:A. TOPIC (1-2 paragraphs)
What is your topic? Establish a brief narrative.
What do you want readers of your essay to know and understand aboutthe topic?
If you have chosen Essay Topic 1 or Essay Topic 2, define the geographicand temporal (time) period of your essay as well. B. PRELIMINARY THESIS STATEMENT (1-3 sentences)
What are you going to argue about your topic? 1
An annotated bibliography is a list of the sources (e.g. books, journal articles, etc.) that you use to research a topic in preparation for writing a research essay. In an annotated bibliography, each source in the list is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph of 4-5 sentences (approx. 150 words) which can also include its relevance to your paper topic. An annotated bibliography should inform the reader by providing a clear indication of each source’s relevancy, accuracy and quality.
Divide your annotated bibliography into two sections – Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. Within each section, the entries should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ last names.
1. Primary Sources
Create a bibliography entry for each of your primary sources (minimum one primary source). You can find examples of how to cite primary sources in CMOS (note/bibliography format here.
Below each primary source bibliography entry, write one paragraph that addresses the following questions:
Who is the source written/created by? When? Where?
What is the source about?
Why was the source created? Who is the intended audience?
What is the historical context for the source?
What information, argument, or perspective(s) in the source will bekey to your essay? You may use specific examples or short quotations as needed. Cite your sources with footnotes.Include a digital copy of your primary source(s) with your Research Essay Proposal as a link, photo, pdf, etc.2. Secondary Sources
Create a bibliography entry for each secondary source (minimum 3 scholarly secondary sources).Below each secondary source, write one paragraph that addresses the following questions:
What is the topic?
Who is the author? What is their positionality?
What is the author’s main argument?
What are the author’s key primary sources? (eg. newspaperarticles, diaries, etc. – you do not need to list individual citations)
What information, argument, or perspective(s) in the source will be key to your essay? You may use specific examples or short quotations as needed. Cite your sources with footnotes.