To complete your task (or, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal), you will
To complete your task (or, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal), you will take things step by step in order to put forth the strongest possible proposal that meets the expected criteria (more specifics on that later). The following is a brief overview of the steps you should take (more specifics on your step-by-step process included on subsequent pages within this Paper 3 module).
Step 1: Identify the needs of your comÂmunity.
Step 2: Choose programs (and ensure they can be implemented within budget).
Step 3: Prepare your proposal for the City Council (or, instructor) to review.
Step 4: Submit your proposal/report for review (grade).
Note: Once you have your ideas laid out and a draft of your proposal, you are invited to submit your draft (Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal) for feedback. This step is OPTIONAL (and UNGRADED); but, if you do choose to submit a draft, you are likely to get some valuable feedback from your community (instructor) that will help you further refine and strengthen your final proposal/paper. In order to receive this feedback in a timely manner, plan to submit your draft by the due date indicated.
Readings and Resources
Before getting started on your paper, you should review all of the information located in this module, Paper #3: Community Intervention Proposal Instructions and Resources. In this module, you will find the following resources:
Steps 1-4: These pages will provide a brief overview of the steps you should take for planning for and writing your proposal.
Paper #3 Templates/Worksheets and Examples: You will find templates/worksheets to assist you as you work through your paper. Examples will be provided to use as a reference.
Paper #3 – Frequently Asked Questions: This provides questions you may have about the paper, grading, etc.
PAPER #3 ASSIGNMENTS: Each of the assignment deliverables will be found within this module as well as the corresponding lesson modules in which they are due. See the following Assignments section for a list of the deliverables.
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Discipline: HDFS adolescent development