Topic do an in-depth analysis of the FBI as a government agency. part of the es

do an in-depth analysis of the FBI as a government agency. part of the es

do an in-depth analysis of the FBI as a government agency. part of the essay should be about laws that affect the FBI.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act
The Privacy Act of 1974
1. Write an introduction, which clearly identifies the topic of your
paper and the issues which you seek to illuminate. The introduction
should include the thesis or basis of your paper, and a very
preliminary overview of the evidence you will use to support it.
Finally, the introduction should include a statement that identifies
what your paper contributes to our understanding of administrative law
(in other words, why is the topic of your report important?).
2. The body of your report should be dedicated to support your thesis
statement with claims gleaned from your research (into what others
have written on the topic; data that you have gathered), readings from
the course text, discussion boards, and/or case law, interviews, law
review articles. Please cite your references at the end of your
report. Please include at least 5 references to support the thesis of
your paper.
3. Conclude your report by recapitulating your thesis and explaining
in greater detail the significance of your findings. If you would
like, include in your conclusion some questions or claims about the
topic and/or specific which you’ve written. If you believe more
research needs to be done on your topic, be specific about what kind
of research and how you think it ought to be done.
I strongly recommend that you proofread your paper several times to
ensure that you have no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors and to
ensure that your paper flows well and is organized.
PLEASE USE FOOTNOTES and proper Bluebook citations! See attached for
more information on footnotes.
Please remember that if you cut and paste something from the internet
into your assignment, that is plagiarism and you will receive a 0 for
the assignment and be reported to the school. Please note that any
site ending with “pedia” is not a reliable site and will not be
accepted as a resource.
Please note: Papers will be automatically added to and checked against
the standard Turnitin repositories. Originality reports will be
returned to the faculty and student in roughly 15 minutes of the
submission. Multiple submissions are allowed.

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