Despite the emphasis on individual levels of functioning in mental health outcomes, social work considers the extent to which individuals are nested in particular contexts that influence a variety of social and health related outcomes. Therefore, understanding the environment and factors likely to impact overall levels of functioning is important. Conduct the following assessment from set of zip codes below
- 40204 & 40211
- If you want to consider other zip codes, you need to discuss these with your instructor. Note that any approved zip code would have to be zip codes significantly different from each other.
- Utilizing Census data and other data sources generate a proximal community profile based on age, race, gender, relationship, household type, educational attainment, Veteran Status, US citizenship status, and language spoken at home. Additionally look at other information that you feel might be connected with mental health or mental illness in either a positive or negative way. Here are some websites you may find helpful.
If you use the neighborhoods function here are the names of the neighborhoods above:
40204- The Highlands
40211- Parkland
- This step will require you to do some leg work. For this part of the assignment, you need to assess the communitys (identified zip codes) institutional resources and land use activities (see Sampson, Morenoff, & Gannon-Rowley, 2002 for potential indicators of each). While this is often done by walk throughs, note that there are many ways to get a visible look at a community including Google Earth. Compare and contrast the two communities. What differences do you observe? What are the potential implications for these differences in relationship to mental health and mental illness?
- Identify patterns or trends in these populations and community statistics that require some consideration at it relates to mental health. Which populations statistic stand out to you the most? What is your rationale for this observation? Compare and contrast the types of stressors these populations may be exposed to and the potential impact on mental health functioning. For example, what might a high density of veterans in a specific part of the community indicate? What types of stressors might they be exposed to (based on existing research) that relate to their mental health?
- Reflect on the stress models (p. 182 and page 190) – what helps to explain the observations that you have made in # 3? Are there existing theoretical explanations?
- Be sure to connect this with the classroom readings and texts and research. This should include a minimum of 5 citations to support your conclusions and observations.