What study is anatomy? – Anatomy is the study of the structure of living things

What study is anatomy?
– Anatomy is the study of the structure of living things

What study is anatomy?
– Anatomy is the study of the structure of living things animal, human, plant from microscopic cells and molecules to whole organisms as large as whales.
What are the three main studies of anatomy?
1. Surface Anatomy (the external body)
The study of anatomical landmarks that can be identified by observing the surface of the body. Sometimes called superficial anatomy
2. Microscopic Anatomy (specific regions of the body)
The study of minute anatomical structures on a microscopic scale, including cells (cytology) and tissues (histology).
3. Gross Anatomy (specific organ systems).
The study of anatomical features visible to the naked eye, such as internal organs and external features. Reffernces: https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/1%3A_Introduction_to_Anatomy_and_Physiology/1.1%3A_Overview_of_Anatomy_and_Physiology/1.1A%3A_Defining_Anatomy#:~:text=Key%20Points,anatomy%20(specific%20organ%20systems) https://www.anatomy.org/AAA/AAA/About-AAA/What-Is-Anatomy/What-Is-Anatomy.aspx#:~:text=Anatomy%20is%20the%20study%20of,organisms%20as%20large%20as%20whales.

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