“Which of the two films- “K-Pax or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”- Uses the el
“Which of the two films- “K-Pax or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”- Uses the elements os storytelling more effectively to develop their story?”
Issues to consider and compare in this essay:
1. The points of view from which the two film stories are told
2. The way “institutional authority” is defined in both films
3. Prot and R.P. McMurphy as main characters
4. The structures (Especially beginnings and endings) of the two stories
5. Some (not all) of the minor characters and their roles in each story
6. The final messages Prot and McMurphy leave behind
Note The essay is to be a personal reflection based on the essay topic, but using your own voice and first person point of view.
No additional outside sources are to be used or cited in this paper. The essay should address the film and elements of storytelling as stated in the prompt. It is not a research paper.