Write an essay between four to six double-spaced pages (not including cover and

Write an essay between four to six double-spaced pages (not including cover and

Write an essay between four to six double-spaced pages (not including cover and reference pages). This paper presents statements of personal belief concerning any two of the six main doctrines covered in the course.
I chose these two topics
The Two Natures of Christ’s Person
The Hypostatic Union
The Language of Suffering
God’s Experience of Suffering and Death in Christ (Questions of Impassibility and Immutability)
The Unity and Diversity of God
Relationship Being
Heresies: Tritheism and Modalism
The first section of your paper should offer concise and definite statements of faith from a Christian perspective, integrating the above sub-points of the two chosen doctrines, and written in the student’s own vernacular. Biblical support should be cited parenthetically. Also, the student should consult at least one reference work and one theological treatise per chosen doctrine. Refer to the following non-exhaustive lists for suggested resources.
The second section presents a personal reflection as to the impact of these doctrines on the student’s life of faith and ministry. What does it matter to know how God reveals himself? That scripture is inspired? That God’s determination to be with his creation is not an ancillary matter, but an issue of his very character? What is the significance of the Trinity for the life of faith? For interpersonal relationships? The best papers will focus on one or two areas of special interest, rather than “dump” a series of unrelated and underdeveloped observations.
You are free to use anything you have written for previous assignments in this course and this course only. None of your other previous CCU work is eligible for this assignment. If you use previous material, cite yourself in either a footnote or in-text citation. (Ex. Last name, First Initial, Session #, Assignment Name, Date)
Write your paper in Microsoft Word and format it according to APA standards.
Bibliography of Suggested Reference Works and Systematic Theologies – not exhaustive! Please consult your instructor for other suggestions.
Reference Works:
Elwell, W. & D. Treier, eds. (2017). Evangelical dictionary of theology (3rd ed.). Baker Academic.
Davie, M., T. Grass, S. Holmes, J. McDowell, & T. Noble, eds. (2016). New dictionary of theology historical and systematic (2nd ed.). IVP Academic.
Systematic Theologies:
Berkhof, L. (1996). Systematic theology (rev. ed.). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Bird, M. (2020). Evangelical theology: a biblical and systematic introduction (2nd ed.). Zondervan Academic.
Calvin, J. (2006). Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. McNeill, J. (ed.). (F. L. Battles, trans.). Westminster John Knox Press. (Original work published 1960).
Erickson, M. (2013). Christian theology (3rd ed.). Baker Academic.
Grudem, W. (2020). Systematic theology: An introduction to biblical doctrine. (2nd ed.). Zondervan Academic.
Jenson, R. (1997-2001). Systematic theology (vols. 1-2). Oxford University Press.
McGrath, A. (2017). Christian theology (6th ed.). Wiley Blackwell.

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