You are to write a 4-5 page paper in which you detail how a person who you know

You are to write a 4-5 page paper in which you detail how a person who you know

You are to write a 4-5 page paper in which you detail how a person who you know successfully faced a personal obstacle and came out on the other end. This person is not to be a peer. This is to be a parent, a member of the extended family, a pastor or other leader in a faith group, a neighbor, etc. You are to answer three primary questions:
What is the obstacle?
How did this person overcome it?
Why should anybody want to know this story?
To successfully write this paper, you will need to interview the person as well as provide some context for the problem. The latter will be aided by some outside research. The paper is to have at least one secondary source. If the person, for example, had an addiction problem then a source on addiction would help provide context. If a person, on the other hand, had marital problems or was in a war, then sources on those topics would be used to provide context. The options are limitless. The obstacle the person faced will determine what kind of research you will need to do.
Like all other assignments, this paper has to be in MLA format.

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