You have been tasked with creating a webinar that educates participants on the i

You have been tasked with creating a webinar that educates participants on the i

You have been tasked with creating a webinar that educates participants on the impact of stigma and discrimination, as well as strategies and mindsets that can be used to help reduce negative perceptions. Your target audience is friends and family of those affected with mental health or addiction issues.
This group is not currently supportive of the person who is suffering and does not understand why they can’t just get better.
Presentation should include the following sections:
• Common Misconceptions about mental illness
• Common Misconceptions about addictions issues
• How misconceptions can lead to stigma and discrimination
• Factors that influence stigma and discrimination
• Strategies, mindsets, and tools the family members and friends can use to be allies for their loved ones and reduce the stigma and negative perceptions
• Your slides should include both text and visual elements such as charts, graphs, and images that enhance the content and help to make it more comprehensible.

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