Your task: Choose a topic in the history of mass communication from the list bel
Your task: Choose a topic in the history of mass communication from the list below. You may select a topic of your own, but I must approve it in advance. You’re expected to do original research and produce a project that’s unique to you.
Research your topic, collecting information and images and other media for your exhibition. You should find at least five (5) different sources of information through independent research. In addition to the five sources you find on your own, you should reference the relevant video lessons and readings assigned for this course. Please do not use Wikipedia or other encyclopedias, except to lead you to other sources.
Create a website for a virtual museum exhibit on the topic of your choice. If you do not know how to build a website, you may create a slideshow that mimics the look of a museum website. In the presentation, you’ll provide bios of key figures, describe important items and artifacts, and discuss why your topic is significant in the history of mass communication.
Here are sample online museum exhibits for your reference:
Here are sample projects for your reference:
Your presentation should include at least 15 slides. Each slide should contain a mix of text and images. You may add audio narration if you like, but it is not required.
Cite your sources throughout the presentation, on the slides, and provide a list of all the sources you used to research your project in a works-cited page. Remember to cite at least five (5) sources you find on your own plus the relevant course material.
Please make sure the words on your website or slides are your own and original to this project. Please do not copy one of the video lessons from the course. Even though this is not an essay, plagiarism is still possible. You may not copy and paste text from websites to your project.
Possible topics:
The life, work, and advocacy of Sarah Josepha Hale
The early Spanish-language press in the United States
News reporting during the US Civil War
Immigrant communities’ newspapers in New York City, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Stars and Stripes newspaper
The founding and early days of The Chicago Defender African American newspaper
The NAACP and The Crisis magazine
The journalism of Nellie Bly
The life, work, and advocacy of Ida B. Wells
The muckraking of Ida Tarbell
The growing popularity of newspaper comic strips during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
The rise of special-interest magazines during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Your grade will be based on (1) the thoroughness and quality of your research and information, (2) the design and organization of your presentation, (3) creative use of images and other media, (4) the clarity and quality of your writing, and (5) the effective discussion of why your chosen topic is significant in the broader history of mass communication.