• 1000-1200 words in length (excluding title page and reference page).• If your

• 1000-1200 words in length (excluding title page and reference page).• If your

• 1000-1200 words in length (excluding title page and reference page).• If your essay is shorter than the minimum required word length of 1000 words, I will begin grading from there.• For example, if your essay is only 600 words, your highest possible grade for your essay would be 60%. • You must cite/reference a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles.• Peer-reviewed journal articles are those that are reviewed by multiple experts from their related field(s) and then published in academic journals.• You can use any database to find articles (e.g., KC Library Database, Google Scholar). • No more than 2 quotes allowed; no longer than 40 words each. • Do not discuss personal details about yourself or people you know; stick to discussing the research. • APA format.• Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins (see “Essay Template”). • Use third-person narrative only (e.g., use “This essay will discuss…”instead of “I will discuss…”). • Do not use contractions in formal writing (e.g., aren’t, can’t, didn’t, hasn’t).• You must submit your essay as a PDF or Microsoft Word file. • If you write your essay on Google Docs, you must export your essay as a PDF file before submitting. • At the end of your introduction paragraph you must state explicitly what your essay will discuss/argue (e.g., “This essay will discuss…”). • Do not include any new citations/references in your conclusion paragraph.

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