After-Dinner Speech (5-7 minutes) After-Dinner Speaking and Special Occasion Sp

After-Dinner Speech (5-7 minutes)
After-Dinner Speaking and Special Occasion Sp

After-Dinner Speech (5-7 minutes)
After-Dinner Speaking and Special Occasion Speeches.
This assignment lets you entertain your audience and discuss an interesting topic with informative points. Similar to the informative speech, this is also a researched speech. Not your opinion. You may focus on any cultural or subculture, holiday tradition, historical event, stereotype, superstition/tradition, or the history behind some event, an exciting artifact/product.
Make your topic entertaining, fascinating, and educational.
In completing this assignment, you should expose others to the latest ideas, cultures, and customs and be as entertaining as possible.
Your tasks will be to:
1. Research your topic ideas: Ensure you have the correct number of different references required.
2. Sign up for a topic with at least five references, and 3 are PSU sources ( different, not all web): The subject matter and topics can only be done by one student. I have provided resources for picking a topic. Your topics will be approved or denied and alerted by the end of the day on Tuesday. Remember to check the sign-up sheet later on to check your results.
PSU sources:
1)gale opposing viewpoints
2)gale virtual reference library
3)psych info
4)the CAT

Remember, entertainment speeches are intended to entertain the audience. The essential purpose of such kinds of speeches is to provide pleasure and enjoyment that make the audience laugh. Although this speech is meant to make the audience laugh and enjoy the occasion, it should have a lighter moment as well.
Incude just the main points.
It shouldnt be a word by word speech

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