Please post an answer to ONE of the discussion questions below and respond to ONE of the answers to the other question posted by your classmates. See specific guidelines for posts and responses below.
Posts are due on Saturday, Sept 28 (11:59pm) and responses are due on Sunday, Sept 29 (11:59pm).
You will complete Discussion Forums within your assigned “Discussion Group.” Each group contains 7-8 students. You will be able to read and respond to posts within your group only.
Please follow the guidelines below when preparing your posts and responses. They represent the criteria by which your work will be graded.
For more specific guidelines, please carefully read the Grading Rubric and Abbreviations for Discussion Forums.
1) POSTS: Instructions for answering a discussion question (“posting”):
- Compose a thoughtful answer to the question in the form of one paragraph. (I recommend you do this in a word processing program and then cut and paste your answer into the discussion forum).
- Begin with a clear thesis statement that directly answers the question and establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (1pt)
- Next, develop TWO concrete examples drawn from TWO different assigned course materials (and only course materials). (1 pt each)
- Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Merchant, Green v Gold, 486).
- Answers must be at least 200 words in length. Please use full sentences. (1pt for meeting formatting criteria – word count, number and diversity of examples and sources, paragraph form, citation form, use of course materials, grammar/clarity)
- To submit your answer, you must create a new thread, click the “Reply” button.
2) RESPONSES: Instructions for responding to other students’ discussion posts:
- Before engaging in a discussion forum, please review the “Netiquette” Guidelines at
- Compose a thoughtful and respectful response to one of the discussion threads created by other students in response to the question you did not answer in your post (I recommend you do this in a word processing program and then cut and paste your answer into the discussion forum).
- Complete your answer in the form of one paragraph.
- Begin your response with a clear thesis statement that responds directly the post AND to the question, AND establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (your response must do all three things to earn full credit). (1pt)
- Next, develop at least TWO concrete examples to support your comment, drawing from TWO different course materials (and only course materials) (1 pt each)
- These examples and sources must be different than the ones you cited in your own discussion response.
- Cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Anderson, et. al, ‘World of Balance,’ 17).
- Responses must be at least 200 words in length. Please use full sentences. (1pt for meeting formatting criteria)
- To comment on an existing thread, click the “Reply” button associated with that thread.
10 points total. 5 points for each post/response.
Please answer ONE of the following Question. Respond to ONE post that answers the other:
1) Which motives played the most important role in shaping Spanish colonization in California? How did these motives shape the system of colonization that ultimately developed there? Explain.
2) What were the most significant ways that Native Californians responded to the imposition of the Mission system in coastal California? What is the most important legacy of this system today?