Forum Post #1

Forum Post #1 – Due 0907


ASSIGNMENT: The Course Discussion Forum (CDF) comprises the at-home writing component and participation component of this course. Students should respond to the both the posted discussion questions, as well as to posts from fellow classmates. Initial postings must be sent to Blackboard by the due date found on your syllabus.

Please refer to the Discussion Forum Guide located on the “Syllabus Tab” for formatting instructions

EVALUATION: The CDF comprises 15% of total course grade. There will be 12 CDFs posted during the semester. Each CDF (excluding your CDF labeled Discussion Forum 0) Post will be comprised of 3 questions, 2 of which must be responded. You will be required to respond to at least 1 classmate per CDF post. Your posts will be marked with an Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, or Unsatisfactory. Posts that receive an Unsatisfactory mark will be counted as an incomplete and will not receive credit for the assignment. Unsatisfactory marks are a result of not following the criteria listed above. Entries will not be accepted after the deadline, except in extreme cases.

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How were the developmens of Virginia and Maryland similar/different?

How did the obstacles faced in the “New World” impact the settling of the English?

Describe the sources of tension found in New England and how the affected the

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