In a Word document record your response to two different “Issues” listed below.
In a Word document record your response to two different “Issues” listed below. Separately explain how each issue is or is not ethical from a marketing standpoint AND from a Catholic Social teaching standpoint. Be specific. Provide a company example of at least one of the issues listed below.
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) Principles
Dignity of the Human Person
Option for the Poor
Solidarity of the Human Family
The Common Good
Dignity of Work
The Universal Purpose of Material Things
Social Nature of the Human Person
Issues – Choose 2
-Not locating grocery stores in lower-income neighborhoods: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
-Companies requiring access to your location for the use of a website, an app, so on: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
-Student credit card promotions by companies: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?
-Inexpensive cigarettes for youths: what are the ethical issues? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions? What Catholic Social Teaching principles apply?