In this task, you will provide evidence of successful completion of the Marketpl

In this task, you will provide evidence of successful completion of the Marketpl

In this task, you will provide evidence of successful completion of the Marketplace Simulations business simulation and produce a written report analyzing the performance of your simulated business.
Note: This task must not be attempted until you have already completed the business simulation with a final cumulative total performance score of .001 or higher. You must pass this task before attempting Task 2 of this performance assessment.

You are responsible for overseeing a bicycle start-up company. You led this company through its first six quarters, making strategic and tactical decisions to create a successful business in a competitive marketplace.
As a leader in your business, you are responsible for reporting to other stakeholders about the performance of your business during its first six quarters. Your report will provide a detailed overview of the financial performance of the business. It should provide a data-driven analysis of your business decisions and the outcomes of those decisions

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