In your final assignment for this course, develop a persuasive narrated (audio)
In your final assignment for this course, develop a persuasive narrated (audio) presentation in which you discuss your proposed topic.
The components listed below should be included in your presentation:
1. Background of the study: Discuss the following:
• What is the significance of the study? Why is the study worth conducting?
• How is your study different from existing research on the topic?
• How will your research add to the existing field of study and previous research on the topic?
• How does your proposed research idea fall under the domain of business administration?
1. Problem statement: The problem statement is the heart of a student’s research. This section should contain the following verbiage: “The problem this study will examine/explore is…”
2. Purpose statement: Your purpose statement explains why you are conducting the study. This section should contain the following verbiage: “The purpose of this study is…” Briefly describe the population and sample and the location of the research (online, at a specific facility, etc.).
3. Research method and design: This section should clearly identify the proposed methodology and research design you are selecting and why you are selecting it.
4. Summary: This section should include a discussion about the potential generalizability or transferability of the study.
Your presentation should include at least 10 slides not counting the title and reference slides. Use at least five scholarly sources to support your work, one of which may be the eTextbook. Please adhere to APA style for all references and in-text citations.
Book reference must be used.
Course Textbook(s) Roberts, C., & Hyatt, L. (2019). The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rd ed.). Corwin.