Kindly read the following question and use the attached documents to support you

Kindly read the following question and use the attached documents to support you

Kindly read the following question and use the attached documents to support you in building the presentation (4-5) slides only
One key aspect of your final digital strategy is how to build a plan that is actionable and convincing for your managers (or investors). The objectives of this final exercise are:
Consolidate the different parts you have been reflecting upon.
Set up an action plan with priorities for execution
Present it to your managers/investors for their approval.
The outcome is a video recording, max length 5 min. We will do it as a group exercise.
Groups will be randomly assigned by the program. Within the group, you will have to select first which specific company you will be addressing in this final digital strategy work: it can be any of the ones presented by team members, or alternatively, it can be presenting your digital strategy to your Digital Transformation team.
Once you have a group, you will have to consolidate the digital strategy aspects, prepare an action plan, prioritize the top 2-3 activities, and record a short video to present to your managers. You can follow these guidelines for the different activities.
Remember that the Digital Strategy is not intended to substitute the company’s current business strategy, but rather to complement it. When recording the video, you can use the tools that fit you best, from the most simple PPT recording to video editing capabilities.
If you have any doubts while working on your assignment, please revise the document
Step 1: Decide your company strategy.
Company selection
Each team member presents briefly the company you have been working on.
Agree on continuing with the company that you can learn most.If you have doubts, you can always select your company.
Step 2:Consolidate all the key aspects of the Digital strategy. Prioritize the most important actions
Consolidate the key aspects using the work done in previous modules:
Start with a clear “Case for change” (Module 1),
Add customer-centricity approach “Mobile and SM strategy” (M2),
Decide key aspects to be done with “Data Strategy” (M3)
Analyze your operations with the “Automation and AI Strategy” (M4)
As you might not be able to do all activities, we recommend prioritizing the next steps.
To prioritize, map all key activities in the Impact-Effort slides
Decide which 2-3 to start with.

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