Overview Take a position on how the United States should deliver healthcare. Ins

Take a position on how the United States should deliver healthcare.

Take a position on how the United States should deliver healthcare.
Take a position on how the United States should deliver healthcare:
Free, Universal
Keep status quo-insurance companies as intermediaries
Other suggestion
Provide research to back your position:
Data from other countries
Cost to individuals and government
How many Americans will be covered? How many won’t?
Anticipated healthcare outcomes
Prescription costs
Changes for healthcare professionals
Overall effect on budget-increase or decrease spending?
Pros and cons of your system
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
Meets 1200 word minimum
Takes a position and supports it with objective evidence
Does not include “I” statements
Incorporates credible evidence such as statistics, data, or quotes from experts but does not include your opinion
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
It is well-organized with similar topics together
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as in-text citation

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