Please answer in APA formatSubmit your answers to the following questions in a 3
Please answer in APA formatSubmit your answers to the following questions in a 3-4 page APA-formatted paper with 6-8 references.
Using everything you have learned in the course thus far, it is now time to design the NEW JCC RDBMS and demonstrate some of the functionality:
Using the tables from the Sample Data for JCC, examine each table and determine which tables it would make sense to link and discuss why.
Create the necessary Joins to link these tables together.
Create a VIEW for these joined tables to provide JCC visibility.
JCC needs to be able to contact clients when problems arise concerning an estimate. Which other attributes could JCC include in the client’s table to assist in contacting clients?
JCC wants the database to include data on all its employees, not just those who may be involved in projects. Which additional entities would the DBA need to include in the database to store this data? Which attributes?
What kinds of unstructured data or big data might JCC want to gather in the future?
Requirements: 3-4 pages | .doc file
PRESENTATIONTHE TOPIC IS Nutrition in School-Age Children and Cognitive Development
Presentations should include the following:
An adequate description of the nutritional issue, including a general or specific case.
Discussion of preventive or treatment strategies, and any related local or national policies.
Practical recommendations for reducing malnutrition.
Questions for class discussion. {AND ANSWERS FOR ME }
The presentation should consist of no more than 15 PowerPoint slides (including one page of class discussion questions).
Support your presentation with at least three references (APA style) MUST!!!
Requirements: 10-15 SLIDES | .doc file