Research Project – 20 points
All our religions this semester emphasize charity a
Research Project – 20 points
All our religions this semester emphasize charity as a way of life. In the spirit of charity, you will research a topic of your choice that draws attention to a need for charity somewhere outside the USA.
You will research a need for charity somewhere outside the USA and eventually propose your own fake charity to address this need. You will provide research that outlines the scope and seriousness of the problem in your identified place. You will research what charities do to address that need in similar places. Then, you will create your own mock charity as your last part of the research project.
The Two-Tier Template
1st Assignment: Identify a Place and a Problem (2 points)
In a well-constructed paragraph, please provide the following information. You are identifying your charity or justice project. Name the problem. Name the specific place on the planet affected and effected by this problem. Provide one quotation* from a cited source that speaks to the nature of the problem (statistic, judgment by an authoritative source, or other). Conclude your paragraph with your comments about why this topic is important to you.
*Provide the source for your cited source by naming the article from a journal, a link to a website, a link to a video or citing other sources. I do not need official footnote or citation information. I just need enough information so that I can find the source.
For the sake of exploring less discussed concerns, we are not considering research on: Homelessness, Food Insecurities, and Clean Water / Sanitation.
2nd Assignment: Your Final Research Report (total of 18 points)
Part One: Introduction and Identification of your charity need (2 points)
Based on your first assignment, begin your research project by identifying your charity topic, your location, and the reason why this topic is important to you. As a written paragraph, this will serve as your introductory paragraph to your research paper. Do not copy your first assignment, but edit it to serve as an introductory paragraph.
Part Two: Detail your research about your charity need (7 points)
Research data and authoritative sources so that you can describe the scope of the problem with real-world information. The goal is to convince me that the problem you have identified is a real problem that I (and your classmates) should be concerned about. You are not researching what to do about the problem as this is the next part of your paper. You are researching the facts about the problem.
Use your research to write three distinct paragraphs that prove to me that we have a charity need or injustice concern. Develop your three paragraphs around three quotes or sets of data from three different authoritative sources. In short, you will write three research-related paragraphs from three different sources that describe your charity concern. Paragraphs should be well-crafted and structured as if it might appear on a charity’s brochure. I do not need a proper format for the citations or quoted materials but I do want you to identify the sources of your quoted materials in case I may be interested in knowing more about the issues.
Part Three: Detail your research about resolving your identified need (4 points)
Research what three organizations are doing to help with similar problems associated with the charity need you have identified. You will write three paragraphs summarizing what these organizations are doing to address the charity or justice issue you have identified. These summaries need to be specific about the services that the organizations provide (citing sources, data and/or services). Paragraphs should be well-crafted and structured as if it might appear on a charity or justice mission’s brochure. I do not need a proper format for the citations or quoted materials but I do want you to identify the source of your quoted materials in case I may be interested in knowing more about the issues.
For example, if you are addressing the starving millions in Afghanistan right now, you would research three organizations who are trying to aid these people. And, I am looking for specific ways they are helping Afghans, especially with the Taliban now controlling the country. It is not enough to say that “they get food to people.” I need to know specifically how they are obtaining food supplies, transporting supplies, and making sure the supplies get to the needy people.
Part Four: Identify a problem that interferes with charity’s success (2 points)
Based on your research, write one paragraph about a particular concern or problem that needs to be overcome for greater success of the charities you researched (and for your own charity). Provide one quote from your research about an obstacle that needs to be overcome.
Examples: In helping Afghanistan women, one would need to find a solution for a charity that counters the restrictions put in place by the Taliban. In helping those in war-torn areas (like Sudan, Yemen, and Ukraine), one will need to figure out how to provide services in the midst of war.
Part Five: Introduce people to your Charity Organization (3 points)
Provide a Creative Name
Provide a Creative Motto or Brief Mission Statement
Then, write one substantive paragraph describing three specific services or activities that your organization will pursue to eliminate or minimize the problem associated with your charity or justice mission. I am looking for specific details that can be borrowed from your prior research. I am interested in practical solutions or practical services. I am looking for the hope of cultivating real change even if small steps are being accomplished.
Then, invite us to a creative fundraiser to jumpstart your organization. Your fundraiser needs to also grab out attention and prompt us to want to come to it. Let your imagination go wild. Keep in mind, one way to endear people to your charity is to endear American people to the culture and community you hope to serve