These are to be 2 page word documents (double spaced) addressing the key issues

These are to be 2 page word documents (double spaced) addressing the key issues

These are to be 2 page word documents (double spaced) addressing the key issues from the applicable case
study or exercise. The instructor will provide questions to help direct the write-up, but they are not to
be Q&A; they should be essay-like response, avoiding bullets or similar formatting.
Guiding Questions:
RLS Logistics
1. Please explain where RLS fits into a supply chain. What is their business model and how do they make
2. In addition to the customer survey results and the founder’s values, why do you think RLS has been
successful (particularly based on this H&N situation)?
3. What additional information, and why, would you want to know before doing the this quantitative
4. Without actually performing the analysis, what would your process be to determine the costs in operating
this model?

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