Your graded project has three parts. Be sure to complete all three parts before
Your graded project has three parts. Be sure to complete all three parts before submitting your project.
Part 1
Review the following statements and assign the correct HCPCS Level II codes. Each answer is worth 3 points.
After repair of a hip fracture, the physician ordered the 252-pound patient a Group 2 standard single power wheelchair with a sling, solid seat, and back.
A patient was evaluated in the emergency room for complaints of a chronic migraine. The physician ordered an intramuscular injection of 1 unit Onabotulinumtoxin A.
A patient with chronic venous insufficiency came to the doctor’s office with complaints of bilateral leg pain. The physician prescribed two thigh-length gradient compression stockings, 45 mmHg each.
A patient with severe sleep apnea was ordered a humidifier water-chamber replacement for his CPAP.
Due to a diagnosis of severe DJD and ataxic gait, Mrs. Thompson was given a prescriiption for an adjustable quad cane with tips.
Three months after sustaining a lumbosacral injury at work, John’s physician ordered him a four-lead TENS device.
An eight-year-old child fell and broke his left fibula, and the orthopedist applied a short leg fiberglass cast.
A 75-year-old patient with a history of malignant neoplasm of the lower gastrointestinal tract presents for his follow-up colorectal cancer screening.
After having a cervical fusion, the patient was discharged with a semirigid, thermoplastic-foam, two-piece cervical collar to be worn continuously until follow-up in one week.
A 14-year-old boy was evaluated in the emergency room for a dog bite to his lower left leg. After determining the child’s tetanus was up to date and that he didn’t have any medication allergies, the ER physician ordered an intramuscular injection of Rocephin 500mg before discharge.
(Part 1 is worth 30 points of your overall graded project.)
Part 2
Review the following scenarios and assign the correct CPT codes and/or modifiers and multipliers. Each answer is worth 5 points (10 points per question).
A 71-year-old male patient previously diagnosed with benign prostatic hypertrophy presents to the hospital with urinary obstruction. The physician performs a cystourethroscopy to examine the bladder and urethra and subsequently performs a UroLift transprostatic implant procedure using three adjustable implants.
1A: _______ 1B: _______
A 72-year-old patient with a history of tobacco abuse had a bronchoscopy with one biopsy from each of the two lobes of the right lung.
2A: _______ 2B: _______
A 49-year-old patient was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia four months ago and is currently taking Zocor. Today, she presents to the laboratory for a lipid panel and a hepatic function panel.
3A: _______ 3B: ________
Mr. Davis had a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the left anterior descending artery and the left circumflex branch.
4A: _______ 4B: ________
(Part 2 is worth 40 points of your overall graded project.)
Part 3
Review the following scenarios and assign the correct codes as required, including modifiers and/or multipliers where indicated. Each question is worth 10 points.
Dr. Hansen, an orthopedist, is seeing Andrew, a 72-year-old established male patient who has complaints of severe knee pain in both knees and repeated falls over the past two months. Dr. Hansen completes a detailed history and exam, including X-rays of each knee that show worsening osteoarthritis. Because the patient has been experiencing repeated falls, Dr. Hansen provides the patient with an adjustable tripod cane with instructions for safe use. Dr. Hansen recommends the patient begin taking OTC glucosamine chondroitin sulfate and oxycodone for pain as needed, and schedules the patient for a follow-up appointment in one month.
E&M code: _______
ICD-10-CM code: _______
ICD-10-CM code: _______
CPT code: _______
HCPCS code: _______
Andrew returned for his follow-up visit last week with increased pain and edema in his right knee and was scheduled for an arthroscopy. He presents to the surgical center today for a right-knee diagnostic arthroscopy with synovial biopsy. Anesthesia is being performed on this 72-year-old male patient by a CRNA with medical supervision by a physician. Other than osteoarthritis, Andrew has essential hypertension, which is well controlled. Postoperatively, the patient was placed in a prefabricated-canvas, longitudinal knee immobilizer.
CPT code: _______
Anesthesia code: _______
Concurrent care modifier: _______
Physical status modifier: _______
HCPCS code: _______
A 28-year-old male patient is being evaluated for initial treatment of a first-degree burn, back of hand, involving 5% body surface, caused by steam, while he was repairing an improperly connected boiler pipe at his home.
CPT code: ________
ICD-10-CM code: ________
ICD-10-CM code: ________
External cause: ________
Place of occurrence: ________
(Part 3 is worth 30 points of your overall graded project.)
Grading Criteria
Part 1 = 30 points
Part 2 = 40 points
Part 3 = 30 points
The graded project will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
The student
Answers all questions presented
Includes all required codes and modifiers